Assistance with training

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Key to the success of any Quality Management or Information Security Management initiative is the willingness to "buy in" by all those engaged in the organisation's activities. In order to achieve this, a culture that embraces the principles of Quality and Information Security must be nurtured and sustained. This culture cannot take root unless there has been sufficient knowledge transfer to allow a full understanding of the principles involved and the responsibilities placed on both the organisation itself and the individual members of that organisation. can offer training in all aspects of Quality Management and Information Security Management aimed specifically at promoting this culture by ensuring the required knowledge transfer at all levels.


Training material will take the form of both off-the-shelf training packages covering generic topics and bespoke packages written to reflect an organisation's specific requirements. Time will be taken to sit down with the leaders of your organisation to make sure your operation and client base are fully understood. Only then will either a draft plan for implementing a full QMS and/or ISMS designed for compliance auditing aimed at certification in either ISO 9001 or ISO 27001, or a roadmap to achieving best practice in those elements of either standard deemed business critical by the organisation.


In both cases the final knowledge transfer  can be delivered either by itself or by an organisation's own "in house" training team (after suitable trainer training).



For more information on how can help your organisation become more efficient and productive; how you can assure your clients that your operations are conducted in line with best practice and internationally recognised and certified standards; and how you and your clients can be confident that all information held by your organisation is secured and protected........please get in touch in complete confidence to discuss your needs.






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